Franziska Klose & Lorenz Hoffmann

The work for OSTEN is the first collaboration between Franziska Klose and Lorenz Hoffmann.
Franziska Klose, born 1977 in Halberstadt, is an artist and photographer. She has been working since 2010 on post-industrial landscapes in a natural and cultural-historical context. She creates photographs, artist books and field recordings. The books “Bitterfeld” (2015) and “Detroit” (2021) document both urban landscapes photographically and trace in texts the serious changes that have been inscribed in them over the last 100 years.
Lorenz Hoffmann, born in Salzwedel in 1974, has been working as a freelance feature and radio play author for public radio and for audio book publishers since 2001. In several radio plays he has dealt with industrial history and structural change in the Central German coalfield, most recently in the feature “Klang der Kohle” (MDR 2020).