in Bitterfeld-


In the Shifts / Shifts audio walk, former workers from Bitterfeld and Wolfen talk about their professions and experiences at their former places of work. The audio walk is now part of the tourism concept of the town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen and can be walked all year round.

SCHICHTEN / SHIFTS is an acoustic work for the public space. Twelve former workers from Bitterfeld and Wolfen talk about their jobs and experiences at their former workplaces in open-cast mining, the Bitterfeld chemical combine and the Wolfen film factory. Excerpts from these interviews can now be accessed at the same location using a QR code on a smartphone. A former excavator driver at Lake Goitzsche talks about open-cast mining, a chemist explains the processes at the former nitric acid factory, you can hear how a film is made, what it smelled like in the fiber sector and much more. Stories of the past working world in today’s landscape can be heard at 18 locations. Listening, walking and looking combine the different layers of time.

The starting point of the tour, which has been incorporated into the tourism concept of the town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, is at the Kulturpalast in Bitterfeld. The listening stations are marked with signs and the routes are easily accessible by bike(download map as PDF here). A smartphone and possibly headphones are required for the tour.

A project with: Wolfgang Baronius, Sabine Brenner, Peter Dürrschmidt, Eva Elste, Torsten Heinze, Peter Metz, Monika Miertsch, Claudia Simon, Klaus
Staeck, Rosi Topf, Monika and Walter Zeller

Supported by the Art Foundation Saxony-Anhalt
In cooperation with the Kreismuseum Bitterfeld
Graphic concept: Ina Kwon