in Bitterfeld-


Ari Benjamin Meyers & Beteiligte des Werksorchesters

Young people taught adults how to play their musical instruments for the festival in 2022 under the guidance of composer Ari Benjamin Meyers and created a very special space for encounters in the process. The participants are now coming together again, making music together and talking about their experiences from the project.

The New York composer and conductor Ari Benjamin Meyers has developed a concept for the 2022 festival that associatively ties in with the idea of the former workers’ symphony orchestra at the Kulturpalast in Bitterfeld: With adults with no previous musical training and pupils from the “Gottfried Kirchhoff” music school, he founded an orchestra in which the roles of the generations were reversed: the youngsters taught the adults on their instruments for a year. Ari Benjamin Meyers wrote his own composition for this ensemble. More than music, the piece was about an encounter at eye level, about listening to each other and exchanging experiences.

Two years after the performances at the 2022 festival in Bitterfeld, many of the participants are now meeting up again – they will make music together again and talk about how they look at the WERKSORCHESTER today and whether they have remained true to the music.

Idea: Ari Benjamin Meyers, Ludwig Haugk
With: Loreena Feyrer, Leonard Geschke, Andrea Heichel, Monika Kahsche, Andrea Mühlbauer, Gabriel Mühlbauer, Kathleen Mühlbauer, Michael Mühlbauer, Susi Müller, Viktoria Nießner, Simone Schaflik, Maxi Seelig, Gerald Wagner, Kathrin Wagner, Haily Wagner, Samantha Wrobel and Nadine Bear.

With the kind support of the “Gottfried Kirchhoffmusic school in Bitterfeld-Wolfen and the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld.