The former cinema in Wolfen stands like a fortress. Empty and functionless, it defies the ravages of time. But these days it is not quite as abandoned as it looks from the outside: a projectionist has returned to the cinema building. He dreams of bringing the projectors back to life and making them “flicker” like they used to. He is supported by children of the “hard disk cinema” generation. They wonder what value the “old cinema” still has for us today, or at least could have. And what will probably be left of cinema watching in the future. Will we soon be watching movies together in the dark, equipped with smartphones? With Britt Hatzius, going to the movies becomes an immersive experience and a reflection on the cinema of the future.
With voices by Peter Krunitzki, Heidi Bier, Coco Bahjat, Yoscha Roth, Jakob Sachenbacher, Charlie Pilz.
With thanks to Peter Krunitzki, all the children and all the parents, Kino Wolfen Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Matthias Schindler and Wohnstättengenossenschaft Bitterfeld-Wolfen eG, Christopher Teicher.