Studio Urbanistan

Studio Urbanistan was founded in 2014 by Julia Lehmann and Clara Minckwitz. The label stands for performative incidents in urban space. The artist duo works on new spaces of experience and encounter between everyday life and fiction. Studio Urbanistan always incorporates stories and personal voices of the urban space as a documentary basis in their works. Their formats range between audio tour, site-specific performance and research theater.
Julia Lehmann, born 1985 in Ilmenau, studied theater studies and philosophy in Leipzig and Athens (GR). She directed plays for the stage and was involved in the organization of international theater and cultural projects at the University of Leipzig and the Goethe-Institut Athens. Since 2014, she has been working as a freelance dramaturge and cultural manager for Das ÜZ, Westflügel Leipzig, art Kapella Schkeuditz and Cammerspiele Leipzig, among others.
Clara Minckwitz, born in Weimar in 1985, studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim and Porto (PRT). She has been realizing projects as a freelance director, performer and actress since 2012. She is a member of the music theater collective James & Priscilla, the performance group pulk fiktion and the network cobratheater.cobra.