in Bitterfeld-

Eva Strittmatter

Porträtbild von Eva Strittmatter © Rengha Rodewill / CC BY-SA 4.0
© Rengha Rodewill / lizenziert unter CC BY-SA 4.0 über Wikimedia Commons

Eva Strittmatter was born in Neuruppin in 1930. She is one of the most widely read and popular poets of the 20th century. Her poems are often based on small things and events in everyday life in the countryside and sing of a world larger than Germany and its language. Her work cannot be categorized, which is perhaps why she still reaches so many readers today. For a long time, she wrote in secret; even her husband Erwin Strittmatter didn’t know much about her writing. It was not until 1966 that the literary magazine “Neue Deutsche Literatur” published her first poems. Eva Strittmatter died in Berlin in 2011.