in Bitterfeld-


Jan Caspers, Polly Härle & Livia Szabo

In a workshop for the play of light and shadow, artist Jan Caspers worked with visitors to create iron blue prints about life in Wolfen. As a wall frieze in the former fire station, they form a walk-in, visual memory of the town and its people for the duration of the festival.

The shadow is the first image of a person. However, it only exists in the moment and is fleeting. In a workshop for light and shadow play, Jan Caspers, Polly Härle and Livia Szabo worked with the public to create shadow images from past, present and future life in Wolfen. The resulting artworks were captured as photograms using the low-threshold, photochemical process of cyanotype (also known as iron blue printing), exposed to the sun and developed with tap water. As a wall frieze in the former fire station, they form a walk-in, visual memory of the city and its people for the duration of the festival.

In cooperation with the painting association “Neue Schenke” e.V. and C/O Education Berlin.